Your life is a gift
and your presence and gratitude with it
is required
to live it fully!

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Welcome to goodlifecreation
Our mission is to serve you in the heArt of
Energy Healing, Sound &Yoga
& Creative PLAY
Our team is universally connected through time and space
and on many intergalactic levels
as there are many energies and entities
involved in this work
( this might sound strange to you in case you are a ‘newbie’
but please hang on for a moment! )
We are so much more than our bodies and our minds.
energy is the imperative drive for our whole existence
as even our physical bodies have shown
to be constantly changing
along with our chosen frequency
- may it be conscious or subconscious
When energy is out of balance, our bodies and minds get affected.
we can get really moody or in worst case,
start creating disease within our bodies.
Relationships get affected when we are out of
alignment with our own energy field
and our whole life is OFF
Our ability to create and to live
a good life
gets disturbed when out of alignment
Alignment is with us when we have
available within
Stress, environmental challenges and traumas
play a big role in disrupting our divine connection
to ourselves - and to the abundant Universe
that only wishes us love
Our teams’ highest purpose
is to assist you finding back to your
and to plug you back into the
Universal love
ever present
If you are resisting your life as it is
right now
or feel stuck // out of alignment
we are here to assist you
finding back to clarity
and greater ease within
finding back
Book a free 15 min video consultation
or scroll through offerings
on session page
Everyone have their own field of energy!
You are UNIQUE
and NO-ONE is like you
or will ever be like you…
Yes you are DIVINE!
A living masterpiece of ART
walking this planet…
We see it!
and can help you to acknowledge it too
life isn't always easy...
and sometimes it's great with
a spaceholder
seeing you
as you are
right now!
let's plug you back right in!
Elemental SoundBath
a journey with sound through time and space…
a journey to meet your inner universe,
through deep listening and relaxation
" observe how water flows through you
connect your inner power
within the fire element
listen carefully to sound
moving through air
ground your bones
firmly into the earth "

I will guide you on to a special meeting with the elements
water, fire, air, and earth
as you can perceive them vibrate within your own elemental body

In this one hour of Elemental SoundBath,
you are given the permission
to explore your relationship with the elements
to observe how w a t e r flows through you
to find your inner power within the f i r e element
to listen carefully to sound moving through a i r
and to ground your bones firmly into the e a r t h
as you practice letting go of any burden you might carry in your daily life

“ my main mission is to live
and create a beautiful life
~ where everything exists in harmony
and nothing is seen
as none-deserving
everyone will know their inner magic
and how to shine their light
for the highest purpose of
Unity Thriving
on Planet Earth..."
with sparkling joy your way
Jósa Goodlife